Friday, December 3, 2010


 Its Lisa here. My turn for weekly auction album review. I will admit when this idea came up I was a bit pensive. Now I have loved music for all of my life and I have learned a lot after working Rock_O_Bilia for these past 5 years but record critic? Trust me I don't know a lick from a pick , nor can I use music terminology, but I do know what I like .

 In the past I have always used music to help me clean the house.  I HATE  to clean the house. I just pop on some ELO , Bad Company or Janis Joplin and away I go. For some reason  these albums give me the motivation to do dishes , fold laundry and sweep. Yes I sweep. Probably the only person left in this world to do so. I have vintage wood floors and sweeping is truly the only way to go. That is why each record will receive a broom rating of 1 to 5 brooms.

  I also refuse to go into detail about book value , collectability blah , blah, blah because if you are a serious record collector you know this already and you can go to hundreds of record collector blogs to get this. So I will drop the Goldmine and let her rip.

  I was given Introducing the Beatles by Veejay. Hopefully you will go to my Ebay auction on now!! if you click on the album below. I am also just learning to link etc etc etc. Tried to get the video in of one of the songs but I guess I will wait for Erin's Christmas break. She has no idea what she is in for.

 I will admit I don't praise the GREAT GOD BEATLES  like others do. Sure I like the music and do realise they are Icons but I have always taken them with a grain of salt. I think it is because I'm 50 and  I missed the importance of it all. Their earlier stuff was oldies by the time I was of teen music obsession stage. They broke up in 1970 so their music was there but any band back then was only worth their weight if they toured.  My teen years were filled with pink Floyd, ELO, Frampton, Yes, David Bowie, etc ,etc etc,. The Beatles only regained popularity again in 1980 due to John Lennons death.

  I will admit to procrastinating  on my blog. I had things to do, records to pack, and facebook stalking. Anything but cleaning the house and listening to old Beatles songs. When I tripped over a clump of accumulated dog hair on the floor I knew it was time. The broom must come out and I started the album.

 What happened surprised me. This album actually sounds great on vinyl. This is very early Beatles just 4 teenage boys, 2 guitars and a drum set. The instruments actually cease to exist ,just barely there to keep the songs flowing. What happens is beautiful boy songs with heart  melting lyrics. I found my self smiling as the lovesick 15 year old in me started to swoon. Yup I finally fell in love with the Beatles. I now know why screaming girls followed them anywhere. I have never enjoyed folding laundry so much in my life. 

This album has such standards as I saw her standing there, Love me do, Baby its you and Twist and shout. All great songs in their own right but the song Misery struck me the most. Probably because I wasn't really familiar with it. I am going to post it on our facebook as I just cant post it here. Hopefully clicking here Facebook  will send you there. What girl wouldn't want  The Beatles to be in misery because they cant have her. Good stuff I tell you. This album is so full of the unrequited love it will melt your heart. All I can say is what happened to these boys? 

Well time for my rating. For quality the record should get 5 brooms out of 5 but I barely got my laundry folded as I leisurely dreamed my 15 year old heart away. So for cleaning purposes it is 3 out of 5 brooms   . Giving us a total of 4 out of 5 brooms!!!!